Spoštovani prijatelji,
obveščamo vas, da bo večerja za novo leto potekala v nedeljo, 2. 10. 2016, v kletnih prostorih hotela Union v Ljubljani, s pričetkom ob 19:30.
Jutranji obred bo v ponedeljek in torek ob 10. uri na isti lokaciji.
Želimo srečno in sladko novo leto.
Dear friends,
we are informing you, that the New Year’s dinner will be at the Ljubljana Union Hotel in the cellar, on 2nd of October 2016, at 7:30pm.
Morning services will be held on Monday at 10:00am also in the Cellar. Tuesday morning we will have services at 10:00am also at the Hotel.
We wish a happy and sweet New Year.
Predsednik / President