
Hanukkah 5777

Dear Friends,

today is the 8th day of Hanukka and I would like to share with all of you a few lines about this Holiday.
When we look at the lights of Hanukka, and we all could stay to gaze at them for hours, we see that there is a fight. The burning flame goes up and strives to go even further up, this is it’s nature, it’s fire. But at the same time the flame is held down by the wick and the oil, or the candle. The flame needs matter for combustion and cannot free itself from “matter”.
A similar struggle happens within ourselves. Our soul wants to go “up”, to reunite with G-od but is held down by “matter”, our body, with it’s potentiality but also it’s limits. The only way to win this struggle is to follow our soul instead of our body.

With all the warmest wishes of Hanukka Sameah, Happy Hanukka.
Rabbi Ariel Haddad,
Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Slovenia

Objavljeno / Published: ג׳ בטבת ה׳תשע״ז – January 1, 2017